
Questions Part 7

1. An adolescent primigravida who is 10 weeks pregnant attends the antepartal clinic for a first check-up. To develop a teaching plan, the nurse should initially assess: ❍ A. The client’s knowledge of the signs of preterm labor ❍ B. The client’s feelings about the pregnancy ❍ C. Whether the client was using a method of birth control ❍ D. The client’s thought about future children 2. An obstetric client is admitted with dehydration. Which IV fluid would be most appropriate for the client? ❍ A. .45 normal saline ❍ B. Dextrose 1% in water ❍ C. Lactated Ringer’s ❍ D. Dextrose 5% in .45 normal saline 3. The physician has ordered a thyroid scan to confirm the diagnosis of a goiter. Before the procedure, the nurse should: ❍ A. Assess the client for allergies. ❍ B. Bolus the client with IV fluid. ❍ C. Tell the client he will be asleep. ❍ D. Insert a urinary catheter. 4. The physician has ordered an injection of RhoGam for a client with blood type A negat

Questions Part 6

1. The client with a history of diabetes insipidus is admitted with polyuria, polydipsia, and mental confusion. The priority interven- tion for this client is: ❍ A. Measure the urinary output. ❍ B. Check the vital signs. ❍ C. Encourage increased fluid intake. ❍ D. Weigh the client. 2. A client with hemophilia has a nosebleed. Which nursing action is most appropriate to control the bleeding? ❍ A. Place the client in a sitting position. ❍ B. Administer acetaminophen (Tylenol). ❍ C. Pinch the soft lower part of the nose. ❍ D. Apply ice packs to the forehead. 3. A client has had a unilateral adrenalectomy to remove a tumor. The most important measurement in the immediate post-operative period for the nurse to take is: ❍ A. The blood pressure ❍ B. The temperature ❍ C. The urinary output ❍ D. The specific gravity of the urine 4. A client with Addison’s disease has been admitted with a history of nausea and vomiting for the past three days. The client

Question part 5

31. The client is admitted with left-sided congestive heart failure. In assessing the client for edema, the nurse should check the: ❍ A. Feet ❍ B. Neck ❍ C. Hands ❍ D. Sacrum 32. The nurse is checking the client’s central venous pressure. The nurse should place the zero of the manometer at the: ❍ A. Phlebostatic axis ❍ B. PMI ❍ C. Erb’s point ❍ D. Tail of Spence 33. The physician orders lisinopril (Zestril) and furosemide (Lasix) to be administered concomitantly to the client with hypertension. The nurse should: ❍ A. Question the order. ❍ B. Administer the medications. ❍ C. Administer separately. ❍ D. Contact the pharmacy. 34. The best method of evaluating the amount of peripheral edema is: ❍ A. Weighing the client daily ❍ B. Measuring the extremity ❍ C. Measuring the intake and output ❍ D. Checking for pitting 35. A client with vaginal cancer is being treated with a radioactive vaginal implant. The client’s husband asks the nurse if h

Hepatitis A B C

HEPATITIS A Mode of Transmission: Ingestion of fecal matter, even in microscopic amount, from   Close person-to-person contact with hepatitis A-infected person Sexual contact with hepatitis A-infected person Contaminated food or drinks Contaminated drug paraphernalia (works )  Risk Activities: Travel to countries where hepatitis A is common Sexual contact with a hep A infected person Use of illegal drugs (Injection or non-injection) Living with a clothing factor disorder Prevention Methods: Hepatitis A vaccination Immune globulin Proper hand washing with soap after the use of toilets and changing diapers, and before preparing and eating foods   Treatment Options: Provide supportive treatment (e.g. bed rest) No hepatitis A-specific medication are available   HEPATITIS B Modes of Transmission: Contact with infectious blood , semen and other bodily fluids, primarily through: Birth from a hep B-infected mother Sexual con

Medications Antidote


Questions Part 4

1. You are evaluating an HIV-positive patient who is receiving IV pentamidine (Pentam) as a treatment for Pneumocystis jiroveci (PCP) pneumonia. Which information is most important to communicate to the physician?   1.     The patient is reporting pain at the site of the infusion. 2.     The patient is not taking in an adequate amount of oral fluids. 3.     Blood pressure is 104/76 mm Hg after pentamidine administration. 4.     Blood glucose level is 55 mg/dL after medication administration. 2. Your patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is taking prednisone (Deltasone) and naproxen (Aleve) to reduce inflammation and joint pain. Which symptom is most important to communicate to the health care provider?   1.     RA symptoms are worst in the morning 2.     Dry eyes 3.     Round and moveable nodules just under the skin 4.     Dark-colored stools 3. A patient with chronic hepatitis C has been receiving interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A) injections for the