Questions Part 7

1. An adolescent primigravida who is 10 weeks pregnant attends the antepartal clinic for a first check-up. To develop a teaching plan, the nurse should initially assess:

❍ A. The client’s knowledge of the signs of preterm labor
❍ B. The client’s feelings about the pregnancy
❍ C. Whether the client was using a method of birth control
❍ D. The client’s thought about future children

2. An obstetric client is admitted with dehydration. Which IV fluid would be most appropriate for the client?

❍ A. .45 normal saline
❍ B. Dextrose 1% in water
❍ C. Lactated Ringer’s
❍ D. Dextrose 5% in .45 normal saline

3. The physician has ordered a thyroid scan to confirm the diagnosis of a goiter. Before the procedure, the nurse should:

❍ A. Assess the client for allergies.
❍ B. Bolus the client with IV fluid.
❍ C. Tell the client he will be asleep.
❍ D. Insert a urinary catheter.

4. The physician has ordered an injection of RhoGam for a client with blood type A negative. The nurse understands that RhoGam is given to:

❍ A. Provide immunity against Rh isoenzymes
❍ B. Prevent the formation of Rh antibodies
❍ C. Eliminate circulating Rh antibodies
❍ D. Convert the Rh factor from negative to positive

5. The nurse is caring for a client admitted to the emergency room after a fall. X-rays reveal that the client has several fractured bones in the foot. Which treatment should the nurse anticipate for the fractured foot?

❍ A. Application of a short inclusive spica cast
❍ B. Stabilization with a plaster-of-Paris cast
❍ C. Surgery with Kirschner wire implantation
❍ D. A gauze dressing only

6. A client with bladder cancer is being treated with iridium seed implants. The nurse’s discharge teaching should include telling the client to:

❍ A. Strain his urine
❍ B. Increase his fluid intake
❍ C. Report urinary frequency
❍ D. Avoid prolonged sitting

7. Following a heart transplant, a client is started on medication to prevent organ rejection. Which category of medication prevents the formation of antibodies against the new organ?

❍ A. Antivirals
❍ B. Antibiotics
❍ C. Immunosuppressants
❍ D. Analgesics

8. The nurse is preparing a client for cataract surgery. The nurse is aware that the procedure will use:

❍ A. Mydriatics to facilitate removal
❍ B. Miotic medications such as Timoptic
❍ C. A laser to smooth and reshape the lens
❍ D. Silicone oil injections into the eyeball

9. A client with Alzheimer’s disease is awaiting placement in a skilled nursing facility. Which long-term plans would be most therapeutic for the client?

❍ A. Placing mirrors in several locations in the home
❍ B. Placing a picture of herself in her bedroom
❍ C. Placing simple signs to indicate the location of the bedroom, bathroom, and so on
❍ D. Alternating healthcare workers to prevent boredom

10. A client with an abdominal cholecystectomy returns from surgery with a Jackson-Pratt drain. The chief purpose of the Jackson-Pratt drain is to:

❍ A. Prevent the need for dressing changes
❍ B. Reduce edema at the incision
❍ C. Provide for wound drainage
❍ D. Keep the common bile duct open


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